Qualification and calibration

HTDS offers calibration and qualification procedures to best meet your needs so that your tools are always as optimal as possible.

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Qualification & Calibration

Qualification & Calibration

Certified ISO9001, HTDS offers for all its range “Electrochemistry and electrical tests” all the metrological services necessary or recommended by the manufacturers of the Instruments, or required under the Quality Procedures in force where the Instruments are used. In particular, the metrological connection to the International Metrology Chain is guaranteed during calibration services performed by ISO 17025 accredited Laboratories.

Our strengths


HTDS positions itself on complementary sectors and cultivates the multi-competence of its employees. It offers tailor-made quality support at all stages of the implementation of a solution: design, installation, training, maintenance.


HTDS markets the products of the world leaders in high-tech detection. It relies on a team of experts in pre-sales and after sales.


HTDS relies on proximity for optimal quality of service. It offers expertise and a highly responsive maintenance service thanks to a local presence.

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