Electrochemistry Analysis
Electrochemistry’s goal is to analyse chemical phenomena arising from exchanges of electrical energy. Our instruments are performance driven, designed to address the needs of today’s varied electrochemical applications : corrosion, energy Storage, nanotechnology, sensors, research Electrochemistry, surface Imaging and Scanning…
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Documentation & Publications
Battery Testers
Princeton Applied Research and MACCOR have come together to offer you the best battery cyclers in the market, integrating electrochemical impedance measurements. EIS measures provide access to data that will help you improve your products: > State of Charge (SoC) > State of Life (SoH) > Series Resistance Equivalent (SRE) > The basic research on the development of anodes and cathodes
Discover also our electrochemistry equipments as portable potentiostats, mono channel potentiostats and galvanostats, electrochemical scanning…