Thermogravimetric analyzers TGA 8000

Perkin Elmer

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The NEW TGA 8000™ Thermogravimetric analyzer delivers high throughput and reliability, even unattended.

Our TGA 8000 thermogravimetric analyzer provides complete control over the sample environment, ensuring increased productivity and reliability even without human intervention. Furthermore, its advanced coupling technology with FT-IR, MS, GC/MS, and other systems enhances understanding of emitted gases. In other words, even the most complex characterizations become straightforward.


  • Residual solvent contamination measured by TGA-MS
  • High-sensitivity studies of solvent recrystallization in pharmaceuticals by TGA-MS
  • Analysis of complex matrices in coffee beans
  • Analysis of PVC with different phthalate content by TGA-MS and TGA-GC/MS
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