TA.HD plus C Texture Analyser

Stable Micro Systems

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Our heavy duty twin column Texture Analyser for high force applications.

The TA.HDplusC is the instrument of choice for testing with forces up to 750kg.f (7.5kN)
It is capable of measuring virtually any physical product characteristic such as hardness, fracturability, adhesiveness, gel strength, extensibility of foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, gels, adhesives and other consumer products.


  • Easily portable due to small instrument footprint and manageable weight
  • Large working area providing superior flexibility of fixture positioning and sample support
  • Distance range allows for location of additional devices such as thermal cabinets
  • High speed testing up to 40mm/s can be reached. This will be of interest when matching specific operating conditions or imitating real-life situations. A minimum speed of 0.01mm/s and fine distance resolution permit accurately controlled approach for precise location of the sample surface and the testing of thin or fragile samples. Speed can also alter in proportion to the instantaneous height of the sample so that products can be tested at a constant strain rate in compression or tension.
  • Arm movements are totally programmable so that customised test sequences can be defined. 
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