FTIR NIR spectrometer
IR spectometers are major tools for many laboratories, the IR spectrum is often being compared to chemical component fingerprints, this is a reliable and powerful technique used for identification. Major manufacturers in this field, PerkinElmer has been developing instruments for more than 50 years. Our FTIR solutions (MidlR) are suitable for all fields : teaching, pharmaceutical, polymer, research, petrochemical industry (…)
FTIR spectrometer : an instrument used in food industry
The near infrared (NIR or Pir) is currently knowing a boom as it is more and more recommended by regulation organisms as USP or EP. Already used in food industry for multiparameter analysis (chemometrics), this solution is perfectly suitable for raw material analysis as it makes fast and reliable results and doesn’t need sample preparation. For more details and an adaptation of our offer to your problem contact us.
Discover also our FTIR microscopes and imaging for microscopic observation and chemical identification of a sample.
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MicroNIR spectrometers
The VIAVI MicroNIR™ spectrometers are designed with one goal in mind: to help you improve product quality and reduce costs. With models and accessories tailored for every stage of pharmaceutical manufacturing, fully compliant with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards.
IndiScope FT-IR Milk Analyzer
Best of all, its ruggedized form factor makes it perfect for less-than-ideal collection conditions, with maximum uptime and superfast results – in less than 30 seconds. And this proven FT-IR technology meets ISO, IDF, and AOAC guidance for repeatability.
Frontiers FTIR spectrometer
FTIR spectrometer Frontiers is meeting the need for quality control and research. There are several spectral range, Midir standard, Near IR (NIR) and far infrared (FIR), or mixed version.
Spectrum 2 FTIR spectrometer
Spectrum 2 is the first performing an FTIR incorporating the latest innovations from PerkinElmer. It is also characterized by its very low frequency of maintenance, mobility, wireless internet connection, its compact design.
FTIR Microscopy & Imaging Systems - Spotlight
Spotlight™ Systems are a complete family of high performance FT-IR microscopy and FT-IR/NIR chemical imaging systems.
Portable NIR Spectrometer MicroPHAZIR RX
The FTIR NIR portable sprectometer microPHAZIR RX enables fast and reliable checking of raw materials upon recieving them.