
Qtof is a mass spectrometry technique for detecting and identifying molecules of interest by measuring their monoisotopic mass. The Qtof technique makes it possible to precisely measure the monoisotopic mass of an ion and to deduce its gross formula. The Qtof spectrometers allow an analysis after ionization. This technique is used in practically all scientific fields: physics, astrophysics, chemistry in the gas phase, organic chemistry, dosages, biology, medicine …
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  • Vion IMS Q-Tof

    Vion IMS Q-Tof


    Vion IMS QTof dramatically reduces this risk as it has the sensitivity and dynamic range to make ion mobility quantitative and routinely usable.

    See product

  • Xevo G2-XS QTof

    Xevo G2-XS QTof

    Combining robustness, sensitivity, quality and fiability, the spectrometer Xevo® G2-XS QT is perfect for scientists wishing to identify, quantify and confirm a wide variety of compounds even in the most complex samples.

    See product

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