DNA sequencing consumables

In addition to our instrumentation range, we distribute a whole range of consumables and softwares to offer you full sequencing solutions. Our range of consumables is made of ready-made kits / ready mix (incl. ddNTPs), buffers, TaqPolymerase®, but also primers, purification solutions, POP4/6/7 (Performance Optimised Polymers), plastics, etc. Concerning data treatment, we have different softwares for : > Sequences analysis (with or without reference) : mutation detection, etc. Applied Biosystems, Variant ReporterTM Software v1.0 This software enables to compare sequences with or without initial references, to detect and analyse mutations, to discover and validate the presence of SNPs and confirm sequences. To receive more informations on this product, please contact your HTDS local representative in Tunisia or Algeria. > Fragments analysis: microsatellites genotyping, human identification, SNP genotyping, etc. GeneMapper is a sequencing software using fragment analysis. It allows to realize applications such as AFLP, LOH (loss of heterozygosity), microsatellite, SNPs genotyping, etc. It also includes the SNPlexTM technology (high-speed genotyping) for the simultaneous analysis of 48 SNPs per sample. This product is compatible with the whole ABI range of capillary electrophoresis sequencers. To receive more details on this product, please contact your HTDS local representative.
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