Avio 220 Max ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer

Perkin Elmer

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Get intelligent monitoring and intelligent workflow for reliable data

The Avio® 220 Max is a compact, hybrid simultaneous ICP-OES instrument, ideal for labs with low-to-medium throughput requirements.


  • Plug-and-play functionality allows for fast startup – cold start to analysis in just 10 minutes
  • Simultaneous acquisition of analyte and background with increased analyte sensitivity
  • Flat Plate plasma technology delivers a more robust, stable plasma, the lowest argon consumption of any ICP, and is maintenance-free
  • PlasmaShear system offers maintenance-free, argon-free interference removal
  • Attenuation mode reduces the signal without manual dilution, with just a click of a button, and is fully customizable by each wavelength
  • Vertical plasma torch design provides 100% matrix tolerance, minimizing sample preparation time
  • Dual view optimizes axial and radial plasma viewing to the extended linear dynamic range, measuring high and low concentrations in the same run, regardless of wavelength
  • Double-monochromator optical system brings outstanding analytical performance
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