Membrane nitrogen generators

Nitrogen generators we have selected for you are developed in order to be adapted to your needs. Nitrogen generators for LC/MS we have selected for you are based on a membrane technology which enables them to supply continuously a clean, dry and phtalate free nitrogen flow for your curtain gas. Besides they meet the LC/MS needs supplying a zero grade air as source and exhaust gas. T hey can also be used for solvents evaporation as well as for the inerting of some systems. NM-L series for LC/MS compliant with all manufacturers (Thermo, Bruker, Waters, except Applied Biosystems) : – From 18 to 420 litres/minute at 100 psi – Nitrogen purity at 99.5% – Exists with included compressors for the 18 and 30 litres/minute versions (LA versions) or without (L version). – Allows to supply directly a LC/MS within your laboratory or several instruments via a nitrogen network for a whole building. The ideal solution to be totally autonomous. NM-Z series for LC/MS of Applied Biosystems : – Up to 12 litres/minute of nitrogen curtain gas at 60 psi – Up to 26 litres/minute of source gas zero air at 100 psi – Up to 8 litres/minute of exhaust gas zero air at 60 psi – Nitrogen purity at 99.5% – Compressor included(ZA version) or not (Z versions) New : N-DR series for the LC/MS of all the manufacturers: – Same flow and purity as the NM-Z series – Self diagnostic system included to inform the user about the generator condition. – Exists with double integrated compressors : the maintenance frequency is divided by 2, no immobilization in case of failure of one of the compressors, the other automatically takes over. The versions without integrated compressor can also be supplied with compressed air if there is an existing network within your laboratory (Provided it fits demands), no power required, totally silent solution. Advantages : – Thanks to a wide flow range , we can offer you a solution adapted to each project to meet the different needs of laboratories. We can supply a single instrument as well as a combination of instruments. – Improvement of your laboratory performances in comparison with the nitrogen bottle : better stability of the system, better results reproductibility, ease of management for the supplying without risk of rupture, higher security without the risks linked to high pressure bottles or to liquid nitrogen handling, quick financial amortization…
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