Spiral air compressors

Spiral air compressors work with the rotation of a mobile spiral around a fixed spiral.The air penetrating in the motor is compressed by the mobile spiral movement and sent toward a tank. This compression process is indefinitely repeated thanks to the continuous movement. Finally, these compressors release a compressed air qualtity in compliance with the Class 0 of the ISO 8573-1 norm (2001 version).


Specifications of spiral compressor

Specification of the SF series by Atlas Copco for compressed air network : – Flows from 130 to 1500 litres/min at 116.08 to 145.1 Psi (Fort higher flows consult us) – Adjustable version on demand, with a total freedom for implantation (SKID version) – Mounted on 270 to 500 litres standard tank – With ultra soundproof box on demand (PACK version) – With integrated adsorption dryer on demand (FF version) These compressors are very efficient and jolt free, perfect to supply a compressed air network or NM series high flow nitrogen generators. The list of references below is not exhaustive, do not hesitate to consult us for more information.

Discover also our piston air compressors with many applications.


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