General chemistry

HTDS markets a comprehensive range of general chemistry solutions for elemental analysis of samples taken on crime scenes (glasses, paints, cosmetics, land…).

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Documentation & Publications

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  • Xevo G2-XS QTof

    Xevo G2-XS QTof

    Combining robustness, sensitivity, quality and fiability, the spectrometer Xevo® G2-XS QT is perfect for scientists wishing to identify, quantify and confirm a wide variety of compounds even in the most complex samples.

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  • Alliance HPLC

    Alliance HPLC


    Handle continuity, homogeneity  and reliability, the Alliance HPLC system insures obtaining exact and reproductible results of your analytical data. This performance is qualified for all systems HPLC Alliance watever of their age. 

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  • ACQUITY UPLC H-Class system

    ACQUITY UPLC H-Class system


    ACQUITY UPLC System The H-Class present the highest resolution among all quaternary chromatographic systems on the market. 

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    The ACQUITY Arc system is an innovative quaternary LC system for chromatographers who are already working with demanding methods that are both versatile and resistant. 

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  • ACQUITY UPLC I-Class system

    ACQUITY UPLC I-Class system


    The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System insures cycle times and reduced solvent consumption while improving the accessibility and quality of your data.

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  • LeNeo fusion instrument

    LeNeo fusion instrument

    Claisse LeNeo fusion instrument prepares glass disks for XRF as well as borate and peroxide solutions for AA analysis and ICP analysis. It is a single position electrical instrument.

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  • M4 fusion instrument

    M4 fusion instrument

    The M4 fusion instrument is fully automatic and it can process three samples at a time. This instrument prepares up to 12 glass disks or 24 borate solutions per hour.

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  • Frontiers FTIR spectrometer

    Frontiers FTIR spectrometer

    FTIR spectrometer Frontiers is meeting the need for quality control and research. There are several spectral range, Midir standard, Near IR (NIR) and far infrared (FIR), or mixed version.

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