Control of food production
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Documentation & Publications
FLEXUS Checkweighers
The FLEXUS Checkweighers by MINEBEA INTEC provide a high-precision solution for weight checking, ensuring efficient and accurate product sorting to maintain the quality and compliance of your production line. -
ESSENTUS Checkweighers
The ESSENTUS Checkweighers by MINEBEA INTEC offer a high-precision solution for weight checking, ensuring efficient and accurate product sorting to uphold the quality and compliance of your production line. -
SYNUS Checkweighers
The SYNUS Checkweighers by MINEBEA INTEC provide an advanced solution for high-precision weight checking, ensuring accurate and efficient product sorting to maintain the quality and compliance of your production line.
Fluorescence Spectrometers FL6500 & FL8500
The FL 8500 fluorescence spectrophotometer uses a continuous wave excitation source for high-sensitivity measurements at scanning speeds of up to 60,000 nm/min. With the new FL 6500 fluorescence spectrophotometer, your laboratory can generate accurate and reliable fluorescence data, regardless of the operator's experience level.
The Arc HPLC system allows you to replicate and enhance the performance of your existing LC methods without compromising data quality, freeing you from the drawbacks of older, less efficient LC systems. Robust and reliable, this system offers excellent value for money, ensuring consistently successful analyses. -
NDA 702 Dumas Nitrogen Analyzer
Versatile and cloud-enabled elemental analyzer for Nitrogen and Protein determination according to the Dumas combustion method. Dual carrier gas: Helium and Argon. -
CN 802 Carbon Nitrogen Elemental Analyzer
Fast, versatile, cloud-enabled elemental analyzer for Carbon and Nitrogen determination on organic matrices with Helium and Argon as carrier gas.
EMA 502 Elemental Analyzer CHNS-O
Precise, versatile, cloud-enabled micro elemental analyzer for Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Oxygen determination with Helium and Argon as carrier gas. -
OXITEST Oxidation Stability Reactor
Innovative accelerated oxidation test for the determination of the oxidation stability of fats on the whole sample according to AOCS Cd-12c-16. -
Histamine test kit ELISA TEST KIT ELISA
The MaxSignal® Histamine Enzymatic Assay Kit enables international and government regulatory agencies, food manufacturers and processors, as well as quality assurance organizations, to detect histamine in animal matrices in response to customer concerns about food. safety. -
MaxSignal® Aflatoxin M1 ELISA Kit
The MaxSignal® Aflatoxin M1 ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk powder and yogurt.
Perten Glutomatic® 2000 System
The world standard for gluten quantity and quality determination. When baking bread and producing noodles or pasta, the flour gluten content and strength will determine the quality of the finished product. The Perten Glutomatic® System is the world standard for determination of gluten quantity and quality. -
DA 6200 NIR Olive and Meat Analyzer
The DA 6200™ is an advanced and portable NIR transmission instrument for meat and olive processors. -
LactoScope™ FT-A Liquid Dairy Products Analyzer
The LactoScope FT-A is our most versatile mid-infrared analyzer capable of testing a wide range of dairy product: milks, creams, whey, concentrates, ice-creams and yoghurt mixes. -
Test kit Salmonella One ELISA
Use Solus One Salmonella to test the most challenging matrices using simple enrichment protocol variations.
Solus Listeria Monocytogenes ELISA
With Solus Listeria monocytogenes ELISA solution, you get a highly efficient assay that delivers results in around 51 hours, including three hours to negative/presumptive positive results -
MaxSignal® Amoxicillin ELISA Kit
The MaxSignal® Amoxicillin ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of amoxicillin in milk, meat, urine, serum, plasma, fish, shrimp, and feed. -
MaxSignal® Dairy Product Pasteurization Verification Kit
Pasteurization verification provides a sanitary guarantee and the accuracy of the MaxSignal kits gives you complete confidence in your results. -
Solus Listeria Elisa
Solus Listeria™ provides laboratories with an easy to use, cost effective and efficient method for the detection of Listeria in food and environmental samples.
Solus E.coli O157
Solus E. coli O157™ offers food testing laboratories an easy to use, cost effective and efficient method for the detection of E. coli O157™ in food and environmental samples. -
Solus Salmonella ELISA
Solus Salmonella™ offers food testing laboratories an easy to use, cost effective and efficient method for the detection of Salmonella in food and environmental samples. -
LAMBDA 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer
The high performance LAMBDA 1050+ offers unmatched flexibility by providing you the choice to configure systems to suit your needs. From selection of detectors to accessories that provide the most convenient and flexible approach to sampling than any other UV/Vis/NIR system available. -
LAMBDA 850+ UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
It is designed for analysis of coatings, high performance glass, and components in both research and manufacturing. The instrument meets industry standards for ultra-high performance, flexibility, and convenience.
LAMBDA 465 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Designed specifically for high-end research as well as routine and high-throughput applications, the LAMBDA™ 465 UV/Vis is the innovative PDA solution that provides maximum reliability – for maximum confidence in your results. -
Breeze QS HPLC
The Breeze QS HPLC System delivers routine analyses and robust performance day after day, providing the confidence you need to get the job done. -
TM 200
The TM 200 is a torque-measuring device specially designed to work on bottle caps.
Smart Test 50
The SmartTest 50 is capable of testing virtually all tablet shapes and can easily be programmed to meet your individual testing requirements.
BVM Agri-food Volumeter
The BVM is the only instrument approved by the AACCI for measuring the volume of bread, biscuits, pastries and other bakery products.
Falling Time Analyzer FN1500
It is a simple and automatic analysis system equipped with a control system with a printer, a keyboard and a small screen that can be set to a language of your choice.
RVA Agri-food Viscometer
Rapid Viscosity Analyzer (RVA) is a unique tool for R&D, quality control in the laboratory and in production, as well as the quality assurance of your products.
Falling Time Analyzer FN1310
The Hagberg Falling Time Analyzer FN1310 is our standard model that allows users to purchase an original Perten system with guaranteed, consistent and verified results.
Falling Time Analyzer FN1000
The FN1000 is the newest and most modern of all Falling Numbers models.
Glutomatic 2200 Gluten Analyzer
The Glutomatic system is the standardised international method for establishing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of gluten.
AM 5200 Grain Moisture Testing
Measurement of humidity and specific gravity in 10 seconds - 2nd generation of 150 MHz technologies.
TVT 6700 Texture Analyzer
We often evaluate texture based on our sensory evalutation, however, with the TVT 6700 means that fast, objective, more sensitive and reproducible measurements can be made.
DoughLAB Farinograph
The rheological properties of pastes approved by the AACCI for measurement of water absorption of flour, dough development and tolerance of the mixture.
LactoScope FTIR
The LactoScope FTIR Milk Analyzer method is AOAC and IDF approved for the analysis of fat, protein, lactose, and total solids in milk. It's a state-of-the-art instrument, with modern FTIR optics, and simple to use but powerful software. The LactoScope FTIR can test other products such as cream, yogurt and whey thereby increasing its value and versatility.
Viscotek GPC/SEC range
Gel Permeation Chromatography/Size Exclusion Chromatography (GPC/SEC) is the technique of choice for rapid and reliable characterization of molecular weight and molecular structure for all types of macromolecules – proteins, natural polymers and synthetic polymers.
Alliance HPLC
Handle continuity, homogeneity and reliability, the Alliance HPLC system insures obtaining exact and reproductible results of your analytical data. This performance is qualified for all systems HPLC Alliance watever of their age. -
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class system
ACQUITY UPLC System The H-Class present the highest resolution among all quaternary chromatographic systems on the market.
The ACQUITY Arc system is an innovative quaternary LC system for chromatographers who are already working with demanding methods that are both versatile and resistant. -
ACQUITY UPLC I-Class system
The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System insures cycle times and reduced solvent consumption while improving the accessibility and quality of your data.
LM 120 Crusher for Agri-food laboratory
Perten Instruments offers two types of laboratory mills: hammer mills and disk mills.
LM 3100 Crusher for Agri-food Laboratory
Perten instruments offers two types of laboratory mills: hammer mills and disk mills.
UV-visible Spectrometer Lambda 750/950/1050
UV-Vis spectrometer and Near Infra-red dual beam, double monochromator and a linear range up to 7 A.
NIR Spectrometer Inframatic 8600
The Inframatic 8600 Flour Analyzer is a near-infrared spectrometer specially designed and optimised for the analsis of flour and grains.
NIR Spectrometer Inframatic 9500
Perten Instruments has produced Near Infrared grain analyzers for 30 years and is the number one company in grain quality testing.
Near Infrared Analyzer DA 7250
The DA 7250 NIR analyzer is the third generation diode array NIR instrument from Perten, it has been designed specifically for analysis in the food and agri industries.
NIR Spectrometer Inframatic 8800
The Inframatic 8800 is the next generation of portable NIR instruments for protein, moisture and oil in cereals and oilseeds.
NIR Food Analyzer DA 7440
The DA 7440 is one of the most advanced, modern and versatile NIR analyzers for over-the-belt type measurements.
NIR Food Analyzer DA 7300
The DA 7300 In-line NIR analyzer is an advanced, modern NIR analyzer for use in grain, flour, food and feed processing.
LAMBDA 265 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
The NEW LAMBDA 265 delivers a new level of confidence.
HTDS markets a comprehensive range of solutions for the control of food production : particle size, rheology, emulsion stability, moisture, pH, salt / acid content, metal detection …